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Private Campsites

Would you like a whole space for yourself and a few of your closest people you care about? Sometimes private campsites are the absolute best. The campspaces below are specifically for you to enjoy!


Camp between the animals

Waking up with the sounds of the rooster, chickens or cows around you? That's possible! There are enough places where you share your camping spot with one or more of them. There are even places where you can take your own horse.

The Campspace Community during COVID-19

The health and safety of all hosts, campers, scouts, employees and other partners is paramount. Hugo van Donselaar shares Campspace's most important COVID-19 measures and policy.

Best Places to Go Stargazing Near Me

Are you also tired of binging Netflix series and watching the news non-stop? We get it! And we've found the perfect remedy to give your tired eyes a break. Check out our ‘stargazing near me’ list and find the best spot for your stargazing experience.

Outdoor activities

Find your sustainable getaway

Up to 95% CO2 reduction if you book a campspace adventure. Learn more