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Escape the city on Kingsday

If you've had one too many chaotic Kingsdays and feel like escaping the crowded city, check out these campspaces available on the 27th!

Camping with a rooftop tent on your car

Imagine travelling through the Netherlands, Scotland or Africa with a rooftop tent on your car and camping freely in the most beautiful places.

Tips & Tricks

Mini campsites in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a great country for mini camping. There are many mini campsites dotted around the countryside, so you can easily find a peaceful spot to get away from it all.

Responsible travel in 2022

Learn how you can take part in responsible travel by changing your approach to booking your holidays.

What to bring when camping in a tent

Unsure what to bring when camping in a tent? Elisabeth shows you her personal packing list and also shares some useful information on what to focus on when investing in new or second hand camping gear.

Tips & Tricks

Campspace Picks March

Today is World Water Day! In this edition of Campspace Picks learn what you can do to conserve water in your home or on your campspace.

5 reasons to become a Campspace host

Five ways joining the Campspace hosting community will enrich your life. There’s really so much more to being a host than just earning money!


Find your sustainable getaway

Up to 95% CO2 reduction if you book a campspace adventure. Learn more