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Budget friendly camping in the Netherlands

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What are guests saying about campsites in Netherlands

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    A nice getaway, but budget friendly. That's totally okay! Choose a way of camping that will fit your wallet. There are some special low budget mini campings in the Netherlands.

    Camping in nature doesn't have to be expensive. There are enough options for you to choose from. Hosts want you to enjoy nature and share stories. They want to give you the best experience possible. 

    Think of it as a trip to relax and appreciate your surroundings. Whether you're going alone or with friends or family. There are lots of activities for you and your company to do when you're on a campspace. Like cycling, kayaking, exploring and especially relaxing. Since nature seems so different when you're out camping. You see more of the tiny details that the world offers. 

    For way under €20 euros a night you can enjoy your holidays with a partner, your kids, friends or your pet. Easily accessible, with a wide range of activities to do. Perfect for a quick trip in a weekend. All to let go of your stress and enjoy life to the fullest.

    Are you still looking for something else? We also have really nice budget-friendly camping spots in France, Belgium or Germany, or are you looking for something more luxurious?

    Find your sustainable getaway

    Up to 95% CO2 reduction if you book a campspace adventure. Learn more