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Tiny House stays with Campspace

  • treeFreedom of nature
  • countrySustainable getaways
  • heartReal human connections

Top countries for tiny houses

Are you looking for tiny house stays? Below are camspaces with tiny houses in different locations, both in the UK and in Europe.

Tiny House stays with Campspace: your perfect fall and winter camping getaway

Discover the magic of tiny house stays with Campspace. Dive into the perfect blend of fall and winter camping across the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and France. Embrace nature, enjoy unique accommodations, and stay cosy all season long!

Camping in the fall is a magical experience. But what if you could combine the enchantment of fall camping with the cosiness of a home? Enter the world of tiny houses with Campspace.

Tiny houses have taken the world of camping, offering a unique blend of simplicity, sustainability, and comfort. Nestled in nature, these compact houses offer an intimate and revigoring experience in the outdoors.

Discover unique Tiny Houses across Europe

Whether you're based in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, or France, Campspace has a selection of the most unique tiny houses just for you. It's not just about finding a place to stay; it's about finding an experience. And with Campspace, you're guaranteed a memorable one.

Imagine waking up to the sound of birds chirping, surrounded by the serene beauty of the forest, but snug and warm in a well-designed, functional space called : tiny house. It's the essence of reconnecting outside, yet staying comfortable.

Check out all our glamping options✨

Why choose a Tiny House for your next camping trip?

1. Seasonal Flexibility: Unlike traditional camping which might leave you shivering in the colder months, tiny houses are the best alternative for fall and winter camping. They provide warmth, shelter, and all the amenities you'd need for a chilly night.

Winter campsites❄️

2. Sustainability: Embrace eco-friendly living. Many tiny houses are built with sustainable materials and designed to leave a minimal carbon footprint.

Sustainable stays🍃

3. Memorable Experience: How often do you get the chance to stay in a beautifully crafted, compact house, situated in some of the most scenic campsites in Europe?

Plan your next adventure with Campspace

If you've ever fancied the idea of camping in a tiny house, even just for one night, Campspace is your go-to platform. Beyond just a stay, it's about the stories you'll tell, the memories you'll make, and the unique experience you'll gain.

As winter approaches and the thought of snow-covered landscapes beckon, remember that a tiny house is waiting for you. Warm, cosy, and surrounded by nature's beauty – it's the perfect recipe for an unforgettable camping adventure.

Plan your next fall or winter camping trip with a twist. Choose a tiny house on Campspace and redefine what it means to connect with nature.

Find another accommodation with Campspace : 

All accommodations available for your next camping trip⛺

All campsites for fall and winter : 

Fall and winter campsites🍂 Fall and winter accommodations🍂 Fall and winter camper sites🍂

Find your sustainable getaway

Up to 95% CO2 reduction if you book a campspace adventure. Learn more