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Campsites in Italy

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Find campsites in one of the provinces of Italy

What are guests saying about campsites in Italy

    Top countries for campsites

    Looking for campsites in Italy? Below are our campspaces for you to enjoy!

    Campsites in Italy

    Camping in Italy is simply a must at leat once in your lifetime! Italy is simply an incredible country from its nature alone. It’s simply a treasure spot as you have all the nature you want to relax and explore! From the gigantic and majestic snow Alpine mountains to the incredible coastal beaches. Italy has a long coast, allowing you to enjoy all kinds of beaches. Furthermore, the fresh water lakes, hot springs and lusciously green valleys are only a few things that travellers get to experience in the country. 

    Imagine waking up, and immediately admiring the Italian countryside views from up high in the mountains! Your problems will simply go away. 

    Let’s not even get started on Italian cuisine! Whether you’re camping in a tent, motorhome, or at an accommodated campspace, if you have a fireplace, take advantage! You most certainly want to enjoy your local Italian food. We have created easy camping meals for you as a guide, but we recommend changing up the ingredients to fit what your local farmers and stores offer for a more rich and local experience!

    Best camping spots and activities to do in Italy

    The best camping spots all depends on what you want because every location is simply the best for something! Check out our Campspace map if you need some help! Camping in Italy one thing, but now for the activities! Where do we start? Just like any other country, the options are diverse and endless. To fully take advantage of your country’s nature, choose the activities you enjoy and want to try out! There’s so many ways to go paddling on bodies of water, from canoeing to kayaking on lakes, swimming or rafting in rivers, or fishing and boating in the sea! Perhaps you’ll catch your own dinner for the day! 

    Go mountain hiking, mountain biking, or perhaps foraging for a more leisurely experience! Read up on your Italian plant types and go find edible plants to make a wild-plant salad! Go trekking through the forest and simply enjoy the peacefulness, there’s no city noise to disturb you.

    So, what are you waiting for? Your next holiday experience is just around the corner!

    Find your sustainable getaway

    Up to 95% CO2 reduction if you book a campspace adventure. Learn more