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Camping during Carnival in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany

Camping in nature is the best way to enjoy Carnival in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany!

What is Carnival?

Does this European tradition have anything to do with those decadent parties in Brazil? In fact, yes – these festivals on different continents both have roots in Christianity and originated as a way to get everything out of one’s system before the pious Lent period.

Cities all across Europe have developed their own unique ways of celebrating Carnival. With an emphasis on stopping normal life and getting into the party spirit, this celebratory time before Easter is filled with celebration, parades and tradition. Carnival in the Netherlands completely changes the way Dutch in the southern regions go about daily life. Roads are closed, shops sometimes shut for the entire week and everyone takes time off work to properly enjoy the festivities. The same is true for certain parts of Belgium and Germany.

Pack your colourful costume and celebrate Carnival with some singing, dancing, and bar-hopping. With endless excitement and fun, this time of year is perfect for booking a campspace. Located out of city centres, many, if not all, of our campspaces are accessible by bike or public transportation – making them the best way to avoid the holiday crowds while celebrating Carnival in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Plan your visit, book your campspace and beginenjoying time with friends and family!

Camping during the Carnival in the Netherlands

After enjoying the festivities, returning to your campspace in the evening has a variety of perks. Our campspaces are located in quiet areas surrounded by nature, which means they offer quieter accommodation. Many of our campspaces also offer a campfire, which is the perfect way to conclude an evening out on the town. And waking up surrounded by nature—can it get any better?

It may be strange to think about staying in nature during Carnival, but it is a great way to save money and the environment, all while enjoying the silence and healing powers of nature.


Many of our hosts offer unique amenities such as a sauna, hot tub, and cooking area, which can be easily enjoyed with a group of friends. If you ride your bike to your campspace, you can also enjoy the local area — bike to the beach or a nearby national park while letting your costume hang dry at the campspace, getting ready for another night of shenanigans!

Your hosts will also be very happy to answer any questions you may have or give you tips on the best bars to hit during Carnival! 

So there you have it! Your next camping adventure during carnival season is just a few clicks away!

Want to have a bit more luxury? Go glamping! Do you prefer staying in the middle of nature? Choose a more quiet camping spot! Just stumbled across this landing page? Check out our last minute campspaces to find one perfect for Carnival.

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