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Campspace Picks February

Campspace Picks February

Every month, the team at Campspace gathers the most inspiring, interesting and useful finds they’ve come across in recent weeks, featuring initiatives, media, publications and organisations that we feel everyone should know about!


Bikepacking is gaining popularity as a way to explore new regions with the added freedom, efficiency and flexibility of traveling by bicycle. Bikepacking.com is a valuable resource for anyone planning a trip, offering everything from gear reviews to routes long and short throughout Europe and beyond.

We’ve got our eye on the Salt and Wine Road, which takes you on a tour along the Italian-Swiss border in the Alps. While there’s sure to be plenty of local delicacies to enjoy along the way, the route received its name because it includes an ancient road used in the Middle Ages to trade salt from Switzerland to Italy and wine from Italy to the rest of Europe. A nice opportunity to book the picturesque Camping Grand-St-Bernard via Campspace too.

Margo Hayes

Last year Margo Hayes became the first woman to successfully climb the Biographie route in Céüse, France. This look into her many failed attempts, route memorisation and eventual victory shows just how far a true commitment to one’s craft can take you.

Planning a trip to the iconic climbing region of Céüse? Check out these charming campspaces along the way!

Private property on the Drôme

Charming little village in Provence

Cabanon Bleu campsite

La Karavana Hostelbus

La Karavana is a 46 year old travelling bus, outfitted as a hostel. Passengers can enjoy an upper deck lounge with a view, a spacious kitchen, living area and nine comfortable bunks with privacy curtains. If you want to hop on, simply track the bus’ progress on pre-scheduled routes and book a free bed. Current routes incorporate outdoor activities such as surfing and climbing as you tour with your group through the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway, sometimes stopping at campspaces along the way!

Leave No Trace principles

While we want as many people as possible to experience the joy of going into nature, an awareness of how to enjoy it responsibly is equally important. The seven principles of Leave No Trace offer guidance on how to sustainably experience and preserve wilderness when hiking and camping. The principles are as follows: 

Plan Ahead and Prepare
In addition to planning adequate clothing and gear for all weather, think about what you will do with your waste and how you will prepare your food. Is a campfire really necessary, or will a stove do the trick?

Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
When making your way through nature, be sure to avoid trampling vegetation and disturbing soil when it’s not necessary. Stick to durable paths and pitches.

Dispose of Waste Properly
In addition to various techniques to dispose of human waste, “Pack it in, Pack it out” is a mantra promoted by Leave No Trace to deal with leftover food or rubbish. Proper inspection of  your campsite before leaving is essential.

Leave What You Find
Return your campsite to its previous state before leaving and think twice before you take a souvenir home from your natural surroundings.

Minimise Campfire Impacts
Consider the necessity of your campfire and whether the time of year or weather heightens the potential risk of wildfires. There’s a certain way to produce a campfire that will leave no trace, make sure that someone in your group is equipped to do this!

Respect Wildlife
Make your way through nature respectfully and avoid chasing, feeding or threatening animals in any way. Observe any wildlife from afar and quietly.

Be Considerate of Other Visitors
Be aware of the impact your group size, pets, cooking methods, music or technology could have on others’ experience of nature. Noise, chaos and damaged environments have a negative effect on the natural appeal of the outdoors.

Have you seen, read or experienced something you feel would be popular with our readers? Let us know and you might see it featured here next month!

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