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Sleep with horses

Nibe, Denmark #s006508

Ways to spend the night

  • Tent

  • Caravan

  • Van

  • Motorhome

About this campspace

Sleep close to our horses (we have 6 horses) and there is plenty of space in our field next door (the horses are fenced). There is a toilet and sink close by.


Your host

Klaus Go to map

Available pitch types

Select check-in and check-out dates to see available pitches.

Good space for tents, caravans etc.

Bring your own
  • Tent

  • Caravan

  • Van

  • Motorhome

You can drive directly to the field / space and there is plenty of space.

from € 33.52 per night
Max. people
4 persons
5 pitches

Good space for tents, caravans etc.

  • Tent

    With your Tent

  • Caravan

    With your Caravan

  • Van

    With your Van

  • Motorhome

    With your Motorhome

You can drive directly to the field / space and there is plenty of space.

Check-in between: 9:00 am

Check-out between: 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Can guests place their tent/van wherever they wish? no

Min. number of nights: 1

Child price applies from this age: 0

Child price applies to this age: 18

Min. number of days that can be booked in advance: 2

Cancellation Policy

Guests who cancel at least 30 days before check-in date will receive a refund of the amount paid by them (excl. Campspace fees). If they cancel between 14 and 30 days before check-in, they will receive a 50% refund. Otherwise they will not be refunded.


Our campspace is nicely open and there is plenty of space, the horses are cute and so are we :-) But there must be peace from kl. 23.00

Pets allowed: no

Max. people
4 persons
5 pitches
* This price is converted to show the approximate cost in EUR. You will pay in DKK. The exchange rate might change before you pay.
Keep in mind that your card issuer may charge you a foreign transaction fee.

Your host, Klaus

Acceptance rate: 100%


  • Get close to horses

  • Beautiful sunset and plenty of space in nature

Additional info

Cancellation Policy

Guests who cancel at least 30 days before check-in date will receive a refund of the amount paid by them (excl. Campspace fees). If they cancel between 14 and 30 days before check-in, they will receive a 50% refund. Otherwise they will not be refunded.


Our campspace is nicely open and there is plenty of space, the horses are cute and so are we :-) But there must be peace from kl. 23.00

Checking in and out

Check-in between: 9:00 am
Check-out between: 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Closing periods


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