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Campspace in Auburn, KS

Auburn, KS, États-Unis #s011614

Tu peux y passer la nuit comme ça

  • Tente

  • Caravane

  • Van

A propos de ce Campspace

There is light road noise from I-35, which is about a mile away, but the local roadways are quiet and experience light traffic. Our property is on a gravel road, but is only a half mile off of the paved county road with easy access to the major throughways (I-70: 10 minutes; I-35: 15 minutes; highway 75: 10 minutes).

Les activités
There are a number of local fishing lakes and the Kansas river runs nearby. Excellent mountain bike trails are located 45 minutes to the east at Clinton Lake, and miles of beautiful nature trails and excellent boating are available at Perry Lake, also 45 minutes away.


Votre hôte

John Aller sur la carte


  • Eau potable

  • Piscine

  • Animaux de compagnie acceptés

Nourriture & boissons

  • Eau potable

Confort & divertissement

  • Piscine

Adapté aux animaux

  • Animaux de compagnie acceptés

Places disponibles

Sélectionnez les dates d'arrivée et de départ pour voir les emplacements disponibles.

Emplacement pour Tente, Caravane, Van

Type d'hébergement
  • Tente

  • Caravane

  • Van

Our main area is a pasture measuring roughly eight acres. It is secluded and quiet and has ample flat areas to park a travel trailer or pitch a campsite.

Les sanitaires
There are no sanitary facilities available at this time. Drinking water is available from a hose.

Les équipements
None at this time. This is a bare establishment, which is part of the appeal; it is not built up with utilities but is instead very natural and serene.

de € 15.88 par nuit
Max. personnes
5 personnes
2 emplacements

Emplacement pour tente, caravane, van

  • Tente

    Avec votre Tente

  • Caravane

    Avec votre Caravane

  • Van

    Avec votre Van

Our main area is a pasture measuring roughly eight acres. It is secluded and quiet and has ample flat areas to park a travel trailer or pitch a campsite.

Les sanitaires
There are no sanitary facilities available at this time. Drinking water is available from a hose.

Les équipements
None at this time. This is a bare establishment, which is part of the appeal; it is not built up with utilities but is instead very natural and serene.

Arrivée entre: 14:00–20:00

Départ entre: 09:00–12:00

Les clients peuvent-ils garer leur camping-car ou planter leur tente où ils le souhaitent? non

Nombre minimum de nuitées: 1

Le tarif enfant s'applique à partir de cet âge: 4

Tarif enfant jusqu'à cet âge: 12

Combien de jours à l'avance les voyageurs doivent-ils réserver ?: 1

Politique d'annulation

Les voyageurs qui annulent au moins 30 jours avant la date d'arrivée seront remboursés du montant qu'ils ont payé (hors frais). S'ils annulent entre 14 et 30 jours avant la date d'arrivée, ils recevront un remboursement de 50 %. Autrement, ils ne seront pas remboursés.


Access: the land is open, but campers must follow the indicated driving areas to get to the camping areas.

Hours: there are no restrictions, but we do ask that patrons please inform us if they are coming and going after 10:00 p.m.; this is our home and we do have children.

Noise pollution: we like our neighbors and even though we reside on nearly 20 acres, we have a number of neighbors very close (we have the largest lot of land in the neighborhood, the rest of the neighborhood lots are much smaller and have a semi-residential feel). Please refrain from loud music and loud partying. There is abundant wildlife on the property including whitetail deer and wild turkeys, and we do not want to drive them away. Our neighbors also pasture dozens of cattle adjacent to our property which are sensitive to loud noise. Violators will be told to leave immediately.

Off-road vehicles: it is tempting to run our pastures with ATVs, UTVs, or dirt bikes, but please don't. The native vegetation is beautiful and we want it to grow unhindered without being torn up by off-road vehicles. Also, see the above addendum on noise pollution.

Fires: at this time there are no fire pits. If you wish to have a campfire, you must check in with us first. We will want to make sure that a proper fire pit is dug and cleared, and also check the local fire weather page for burn bans; wild prairie fires are a very real danger during certain months in our area and we take it very seriously. Also, we bale the native grass in our pastures and do not want to lose that due to a fire.

Smoking: prohibited during red flag warnings/burn bans. Otherwise, please be aware of dry conditions and be responsible when you smoke. All butts MUST be picked up; leaving butts on the ground will not be tolerated.

Trash: carry out what you carry in. We have no commercial trash services at this time, so you will need to plan accordingly.

Alcohol: be responsible. We have no problem with alcohol on the property, but we will not hesitate to send you packing if you will not be responsible.

Please, be responsible and respectful of our property. We absolutely love it out here and have worked really hard to be where we are. We want to share what is ours with the world, but we will not tolerate bad behavior.

Animaux de compagnie acceptés: oui

Max. personnes
5 personnes
2 emplacements
* Ce prix a été converti pour refléter le coût estimé en EUR. Vous payez en USD. Le taux de change peut changer avant que vous ne payiez. Veuillez noter que l'émetteur de votre carte peut facturer des frais de transaction étrangère.

Votre hôte, John

John parle
  • Français

  • Anglais

Info supplémentaires

Politique d'annulation

Les voyageurs qui annulent au moins 30 jours avant la date d'arrivée seront remboursés du montant qu'ils ont payé (hors frais). S'ils annulent entre 14 et 30 jours avant la date d'arrivée, ils recevront un remboursement de 50 %. Autrement, ils ne seront pas remboursés.


Access: the land is open, but campers must follow the indicated driving areas to get to the camping areas.

Hours: there are no restrictions, but we do ask that patrons please inform us if they are coming and going after 10:00 p.m.; this is our home and we do have children.

Noise pollution: we like our neighbors and even though we reside on nearly 20 acres, we have a number of neighbors very close (we have the largest lot of land in the neighborhood, the rest of the neighborhood lots are much smaller and have a semi-residential feel). Please refrain from loud music and loud partying. There is abundant wildlife on the property including whitetail deer and wild turkeys, and we do not want to drive them away. Our neighbors also pasture dozens of cattle adjacent to our property which are sensitive to loud noise. Violators will be told to leave immediately.

Off-road vehicles: it is tempting to run our pastures with ATVs, UTVs, or dirt bikes, but please don't. The native vegetation is beautiful and we want it to grow unhindered without being torn up by off-road vehicles. Also, see the above addendum on noise pollution.

Fires: at this time there are no fire pits. If you wish to have a campfire, you must check in with us first. We will want to make sure that a proper fire pit is dug and cleared, and also check the local fire weather page for burn bans; wild prairie fires are a very real danger during certain months in our area and we take it very seriously. Also, we bale the native grass in our pastures and do not want to lose that due to a fire.

Smoking: prohibited during red flag warnings/burn bans. Otherwise, please be aware of dry conditions and be responsible when you smoke. All butts MUST be picked up; leaving butts on the ground will not be tolerated.

Trash: carry out what you carry in. We have no commercial trash services at this time, so you will need to plan accordingly.

Alcohol: be responsible. We have no problem with alcohol on the property, but we will not hesitate to send you packing if you will not be responsible.

Please, be responsible and respectful of our property. We absolutely love it out here and have worked really hard to be where we are. We want to share what is ours with the world, but we will not tolerate bad behavior.

Arrivée et départ

Arrivée entre: 14:00–20:00
Départ entre: 09:00–12:00

Périodes de fermeture


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