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Reconnect Outside

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I get a refund after my booking expired?

If you paid your booking, but the host did not respond on time you will be refunded the full amount of your reservation and service charges within 48 hours depending on your payment provider.

What is the Campspace service charge?

Campspace charges a €5 fixed fee for bookings less than €25. For bookings of more than €25, we charge €4 euro + 13% commission. These fees are charged to the guest when booking.

Charging these fees allows us to keep our platform up-to-date and provide the support for our hosts and guests.

Which currencies does Campspace support?

All campspaces can be paid for in euros, except for Danish campspaces, which will be paid in Danish Kroner.

With which payment providers does Campspace work?

Campspace processes your payments via Buckaroo for incoming European payments and Stripe for incoming and outgoing global payments. Their terms and conditions can be found at:



What is Campspace?

Campspace is the most sustainable platform for overnight stays in nature. Campspaces can vary from a place for a tent or camper on someone's land to fully catered tree houses. And everything in between. Our mission is Reconnect Outside. Reconnect with yourself, with your travel buddies, with the local host and in the outdoors.

How do I change or reset my password?

Do you want to change your password? Go to your account and change your password. Did you forget your password? We offer two solutions to assist you. Use the following link to receive an email that allows you to access your account without needing your password: Login via Email. If you have forgotten your password and wish to reset it, please use this link: Password Reset. You will receive an email from us with instructions on how to reset your password without the need for the old one.

What about my personal information?

We take your privacy and personal information and data very seriously. Read our terms and conditions and our privacy and cookie policy to see how we handle your data.

I want to publish an article or other media item about Campspace. How do I get in touch?

We are glad to hear that you want to pay attention to our platform. You can come in contact with us via media@campspace.com and we will reply as soon as possible.

Find your sustainable getaway

Up to 95% CO2 reduction if you book a campspace adventure. Learn more